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Update: 07/13/13

Wow! I am really terrible at updating this website! But, hey here we are in the summer of 2013, and we're still kicking. We have a brand-new bass player, Travis Thoughtcrime, and we're excited to be writing and recording a bunch of new stuff. The Lab Rats 7-inch still isn't out yet, but should be by the end of the year. Under Surveillance should also be out at least on digital formats, if not vinyl, by the end of the year as well.

Update: 08/12/12

I really need to get better about updating this thing more often. It's just so much easier post stuff on stupid facebook...anyway...we are about to go on a bit of a break, probably playing one show in September and then Tommy and his wife are going to have some downtime to welcome their boy Gideon into the world. We should be back to live action by mid-to-late November. In other welcome-to-the-world news, we will be sending off tracks for the ill-fated but soon to be resurrected Lab Rats 7-inch soon! The original version was supposed to come out several years ago on Bitchin' Riffage Records, but the owner folded the label due to unexpected medical expenses just before the release. This will be a newly recorded version with Tommy on the drums and a different b-side than one of the ones we originally intended, and we're releasing it ourselves.

Update: 05/06/12

Stoked! Return To The Nowhere Zone CD's are now available. You can get them direct from us or Green Noise, and we'll have them up at Interpunk soon. There's a great review of it over at Faster and Louder. If you don't need a physical copy, downloads are only $5 from our Bandcamp page.

Update: 03/04/12

This update is a bit late, but we are totally stoked to have new member Tommy Tension on the drums! We are officially back in action, playing shows and working on writing and recording brand new stuff! Dig it!

Update: 12/03/11

Quick update. We are still trying to solidify the new drummer situation, but we hope to have it all sorted by the end of the year.

Update: 09/14/11

Well, crap. We are coming up on the end of an era. Chris has decided that the responsibilties of the new family require him to step down from his position as longest-running Anxieties drummer. That means we need to get someone (maybe you?) to be our awesome new drummer. Interested parties or those with leads should get in touch, like ASAP. We'll still be playing our next two shows with this line-up, and Chris' last show with us will be October 14th. Details for that one will go up soon, so be sure to come out and send him off in style.

Update: 08/15/11

The first show back was great fun. Thanks as always to the great folks at Centaur Guitarfor including us in the festivities. There's only one other show booked right now, but it's going to be a great one. Cute Lepers and Something Fierce are coming to Plan B September 23rd and we can't wait to play with not just one, but two of the best current bands going. Check the details on the Shows page...

Update: 06/23/11

Whoa!! Almost a year since our last update?!?! Yikes. Well, we've been on hiatus about the last six months since Chris broke his collarbone, but we are ready to get back in the saddle here. Not sure how often we're going to be playing shows, but it will at least be more often than we have been. We also have a new side project going, total dumb Ramones-core band called the Jabronis. You can download the free 4-song demo from http://jabronis.bandcamp.com

Be sure and "like" like us on Facebook as well, updates there are much more frequent and we have a bunch of pictures posted that aren't posted here or on our Myspace. www.facebook.com/anxieties and www.facebook.com/jabronis

Update: 06/30/10

We have a whole bunch of new songs that we're really excited about! "The Obsolete Man", "In Stasis", "Plan Zero", "Experiments In The Basement", "If I Was A Creep", "No Heart, No Brains, No Style", and "Mission Failure" are all new tunes that you can catch us playing in the current set. Some summer gigs are also now posted on the shows page.

Update: 04/26/10

"Under Surveillance" is done and mixed! Now the quest for a label to release it is on! Joey's done all his rhythm tracking for "Return To The Nowhere Zone", and we've got a start on the leads for that as well. Not only that, but next week we may lay down drum tracks for six brand new songs! Looking forward to playing at Satyricon again on May 1st, and our first show at O'Malley's on May 8th. If you want to hear a song from Under Surveillance, check out "Staring Daggers" in our Myspace player.

Update: 11/09/09

Joe has three shows under his belt now, and we're looking forward to starting to play more again in the immediate future. Recording on "Under Surveillance" has been slow-going due to Glenn's crazy schedule, but we've also started working on "Return To The Nowhere Zone" now with Joe, and we've got a few brand-new songs written as well.

Update: 07/17/09

So, the streaming player went away for a while, but now it's back. There have been a few other big developments since the last update as well. First off, Dr. Glenn is leaving us. His last show will be August 1st at Kelly's Olympian with 800 Octane and 48 Thrills, come out and help us send him off with a blast. Stepping into the lead guitar spot will be our old pal Joey Esquire. He's filled in for us before and done some extra back-ups on recordings, so he was already kind of part of the band anyway. His first show will be August 16th at the Hawthorne Street Fair, so be sure to come check that out as well.

We are also in the process of recording our new full-length album Under Surveillance, which Glenn will be playing on. 12 brand new songs, the rough tracks so far sound awesome and we'll probably have it finished by the end of July.

Lastly, we are most likely finally going to be putting out the Lab Rats 7" by ourselves. Shooting for by the end of the year on that depending on $$$$.

Update: 03/13/09

OK! As you can probably see, we've added a streaming player to the front page of the website here, and if you've checked the myspace page we've had a few shows already this year. I don't know why I always forget to update here, I'm going to try and be better about that... Anyway, the next show is listed on the shows page and I'll be adding a couple more to that soon, I promise. In song news, we have a whole new album's worth of material written (it's going to be called Under Surveillance) and we're working on getting some new recoding gear in the very near future. Still not sure when/if we'll be able to get Next Mutation out on vinyl, but still working on that as well.

UPDATE: 11/17/08

And so the strange year keeps getting stranger. We've all had to pick up extra work and had crazy schedule changes which has resulted in a fairly large period of inactivity. We've started practicing again in the last couple weeks though, and we're working on some new songs that we're pretty excited about. The STORE has finally been updated so you can see and/or get the new shirts there now and we've dropped the prices on everything to $10 postage-paid in the US. No confirmed shows yet, but we're hopefully going to have some stuff coming up in the next month or two.

UPDATE: 07/27/08

Man, what a strange year this has been. First off thanks and apologies to everyone who helped out with or was going to come see us on tour. If you didn't hear, the van broke down 45 minutes out of Portland on the way to the first show in Sacramento, we had to have towed back into town and couldn't get it fixed in time to make to enough of the other dates so we had to cancel the whole shebang. We'll try again next year? On the plus side we do have copies of our first full-length CD, "The Next Mutation" in and you can buy them directly from us or at www.greennoiserecords.com and www.interpunk.com. The album is also available as a digital download from iTunes, eMusic, and Amazon mp3. New shirts as well, which for now you can only get in the store. I'll get them listed there in the next day or two.

UPDATE: 04/18/08

Alright! We have copies of the Funhouse Comp Thing II for sale! 49 bands on two CD's. Our track is the previously unreleased "Radiation Nation", and there are tons of other awesome bands like the Spits, Cute Lepers (Steve from the Briefs), The Girls, Toe Tag (ex-Accused), Pierced Arrows (ex-Dead Moon) and lots more. $12 ppd in the US, go to our store page to buy it.

UPDATE: 04/02/08

Some cool news coming up in the next couple of days. Working on booking our first tour of California for this summer, July 11th-19th, so if you can help or would like to see us play somewhere in particular let us know!

UPDATE: 02/16/08

Not too much else new to report right now. We added two songs each from the "Black Hole" and "De-Evolution" EP's to the Sounds page, and the Flash mp3 player on that should be working much better and faster now than it was. Still no word on the "Lab Rats" 7-inch, hopefully soon. One thing that is pretty exciting is that we are finally planning a Summer tour in California. Looking at July 11th to 19th, so if you want us to play in your town, drop us a line and let us know what good places to play are and how to get a hold of them. You can also read a brief interview with us here.

UPDATE: 01/18/08

First update of the new year. "The Next Mutation" is done, and we are currently engaging in a quest to find a label to release it. 12 songs in all, and we're really happy with how it sounds. We took a little break from shows over the holidays, but I expect to get back into gear right quick. Still no definitive word on the "Lab Rats" 7-inch, but we're hoping to hear something at the end of the month.

UPDATE: 12/13/07

Naked Raygun show was amazing. Soooo good we had to drive down and see them in Eugene as well. A couple of new pics from our set will be going up soon. Working on writing some new stuff and re-learning/re-interpreting some stuff from the Eugene days to record.

UPDATE: 11/15/07

Some bad news just came down the pike. Due to some unexpected medical expenses it looks like the "Lab Rats" record will be further delayed. Possibly a couple months, we'll keep you posted whenever we know more.

UPDATE: 11/08/07

So. Here's the new site, redesigned to reflect the new single coming out. We're putting the finishing touches on our first full-length album, "The Next Mutation" as we speak, and hope to begin shopping it to labels very soon. You can hear three of the songs from the new album on the sounds page, and there's still a different one on our myspace page. The "Lab Rats" 7-inch will probably not be out until December, and the split with the Thought Patterns looks like it will be on Iron Goat Records but there is still no real time frame for that. There are some big shows coming for us in the next couple of months as well, so check out the shows page if you haven't lately. For now this page only contains the last couple of updates, but I'll fill in the archives all the way back pretty soon. The store is down until we get the new record and some new shirts in, but if you want to order a record you can still e-mail us for details.

UPDATE: 07/14/07

Damn! Time goes by so ridiculously fast. The recordings are going really well. If you haven't been by our Myspace page in a while we have three of the new songs up there for you to check out. Speaking of Myspace, it has come to my attention that some people did not recieve some of my messages about shows and stuff, which has always been an issue with Myspace, so if you're going to contact us, please also send a regular e-mail for a back-up. We look flaky due to these errors and I would very much like to avoid that in the future. Two new releases are in the works: the "Lab Rats" 7-inch should be coming out on Bitchin' Riffage in Oct./Nov. and we are also going to be working on a split with the Thought Patterns. No time frame yet on that, but we're really excited about it.

UPDATE: 03/30/07

We've started new recordings here in the basement of Von Rocket Manor, we've got rough basic tracks for about 19 songs, minus Glenn's leads. As soon as we can get those down and some better takes of the stuff that needs it we'll probably put up a few new songs streaming for y'all. More new songs are in the works as well, like "Night Of The Surf-Bots" and "(You're Gonna Get) Deleted". We're definitely planning on getting some new releases out this year, hopefully a couple of singles and a full-length CD/LP. Most likely one of the singles will be on Chris' New Regard Media label, but so far we don't have anything else lined up, so any interested labels should get in touch.